Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Coffee for a cause ......

Java Hope Project Coffee's purpose is to eradicate poverty by empowering marginalized American women to own and operate their own coffee shop or coffee cart business. They have partnered with a co-op in Ethiopia so coffees can be imported to the USA from Ethiopian women farmers.

....to find out more about how this organization is making a change in people's lives.

I found this product at Krogers.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Good Espresso at Home for Less says "Good Housekeeping Magazine."

With the economy being the way it is these days, why not "espresso" at home for less?

Espresso is basically a concentrated cup of coffee brewed by forcing hot water under pressure through finely ground coffee. In other words, lots of caffeine and coffee taste in a little shot of coffee.

And if this is your "cup of tea," so to speak, and your looking for ways to save money over time, you might want to take a look at the three Espresso Machines, "Good Housekeeping Magazine" is recommending for use in your home. Their September issue has an informative article at the ESPRESSO link below.

"CLICK HERE - Espresso at home"

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Freshest Pot of Coffee Possible.....

The freshest pot of coffee possible is going to be one that was taken off the warming burner as soon as the coffee is done brewing. Pour your pot of freshly brewed coffee in a thermos or careffe to keep it hot.

Want an even fresher cup of coffee? Buy whole bean coffee and grind it right before you brew it.

If you can buy your coffee beans from some place that roasts them, then grinding and brewing freshly roasted beans will give you and even better tasting fresher cup of coffee.

Could one other step give your coffee the very best taste yet? Yes, if your coffee beans are freshly picked, then roasted and ground right before they are brewed.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Coffee News and Information

On this blog I will be posting information about coffee and the latest news on the coffee industry. If you have an interest in coffee and coffee beans, are a coffee connoisseur or you are in the coffee business, please check back often as I feel my information could be useful to you and your coffee consuming companions.